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mitchellAndrea Mitchell
is NBC’s veteran chief foreign affairs correspondent. She reports on foreign policy issues here and abroad for all NBC News broadcasts, including the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams and Today, and on both CNBC and MSNBC. As one of the network’s leading political correspondents, Ms. Mitchell also covers the presidential campaign, frequently appears as a political anchor on MSNBC and is a regular panelist on Hardball. Her book, Talking Back, describes her experiences as one of the first women to cover five presidents, congress and foreign policy. Ms. Mitchell has been honored with the Goldsmith Career Award for Excellence in Journalism and the Leonard Zeidenberg Award for contributions to the protection of First Amendment freedoms.



roger mudd Roger Mudd
was the documentary host and correspondent for The History Channel from 1995 until he retired in 2004. He previously was a Washington correspondent for CBS News, NBC News and the MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour on PBS. Mr. Mudd won the George Foster Peabody award for “The Selling of the Pentagon” in 1970 and for “Teddy” in 1979 and the Barone Award for Distinguished Washington Reporting in 1990. Mr. Mudd also has served as a visiting professor of politics and the press at Princeton University and at Washington and Lee University. His memoir, The Place to Be/Washington, CBS and the Glory Days of Television News, has just been published.


al neuharthAl Neuharth is the founder and senior advisory chairman of the Freedom Forum, a nonpartisan foundation dedicated to free press, free speech and free spirit for all people. The Freedom Forum funds and operates the Newseum, the First Amendment Center and the Diversity Institute. He previously served as chairman of the Freedom Forum and as a trustee of the foundation and its predecessor, the Gannett Foundation. Mr. Neuharth is founder of the nation’s most widely read newspaper, USA TODAY, and former chairman and chief executive officer of Gannett Co. He is the author of eight books, including his best-selling autobiography, Confessions of an S.O.B., and writes a weekly column for USA TODAY called “Plain Talk.”




Washington columnist and commentator Robert D. Novak writes the “Inside Report,” one of the longest running syndicated newspaper columns in the nation. The column, which appears three times a week in more than 150 newspapers, is based on hard reporting. Consequently, Mr. Novak has covered great events and interviewed world leaders across the globe. He has written for most of the nation’s periodicals and is the author or co-author of five books. His best-selling memoir, The Prince of Darkness: 50 Years Reporting in Washington, was published in July. For 25 years Mr. Novak was a commentator for CNN and currently is a commentator for Fox News and Bloomberg News.

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