Former President of Guatemala Vinicio Cerezo designated as guest of honor at Fox Forum of World Leaders

Fort Worth, TX October 30, 2013

Vinicio Cerezo, former President of Guatemala, is the guest for the upcoming Vicente Fox Forum of World Leaders on Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 10:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the TCU Brown-Lupton University Union.

Cerezo is a Guatemalan lawyer and politician who spent more than 20 years fighting to establish democracy in his country. He was Guatemala’s first democratically elected president and its first civilian president since 1966. He was responsible for the revival and modernization of the economy, and he was the creator, promoter and one of the signatories of the Esquipulas Peace Agreement.

Called the Central American Ambassador by many, Cerezo currently focuses his experience and energy in creating an awareness that allows Central America to be made a strategic region in the world. An international speaker, he is co-creator of the Social Agenda for Democracy in Latin America, a permanent member of the Forum of Biarritz, a member of The Carter Center, a member of the Ocean Security International initiative and a member of the Global Peace Foundation.


The event is open to the public. For questions or to attend, please contact Nancy Styles at or 817-257-7808.