TCU reaches out to local schools through writing camps
Fort Worth, TX
By: Amanda Russell, TCU Schieffer School of JournalismTCU’s Center for Urban Education (CUE) supports local elementary schools by providing them with all-day writing camps throughout the year. CUE, in the College of Education, started the camps on campus three years ago to increase student enthusiasm for writing and encourage students to do well on the state writing test.
The writing camps serve as a review for fourth grade students who are preparing for the TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) Writing Test, which took place March 3. Through the camps CUE seeks to improve student-writing skills by giving students a day solely devoted to writing.
“The camp started because I felt that fourth grade students needed an opportunity for a writing day,” said Dr. Jennifer Brooks, director for the Center for Urban Education. “I wanted to give students a special day away from school where they could focus on writing.”
This year eight elementary schools attended the camps, including: I.M. Terrell, Lily B. Clayton, Lowery Road Elementary, Mitchell Boulevard Elementary, Luella Merrett, Glen Park Elementary, Morningside Elementary, and Parkway Elementary.At the camps, students are divided into small groups where they write and revise short sentences and compositions. In the middle of the day, students take a break to enjoy a sack lunch outdoors.
Before going home, students tour the entire campus. The tour gives students the opportunity to experience college life and see what TCU has to offer.
“Our goal is to let students know that college is possible and in their near future,” Dr. Brooks said. “It is never too early to give students the opportunity to see what it’s like to be on a college campus.”
The CUE specifically targets local schools that do not have access to other facilities for writing camps. The camps provide schools with a facility, materials and supplies.
“Anything we can do to support the schools is important,” Brooks said. “We want to make a difference.”
The College of Education and CUE continue to receive positive responses about the writing camps from local schools and principals and plans to expand the program in the future. For more information on the writing camps or CUE contact Dr. Brooks at (817) 257-6938 or