Chamber Music Roundup Jan. 5-10 on the TCU campus
Fort Worth, TX
The 2009 Festival and Workshop for the Chamber Music Roundup in Fort Worth, which attracts amateur musicians of all levels, is set for Jan. 5-10 in the School of Music facilities at TCU. Director Misha Galaganov expects about 18 student participants to attend this year.The Roundup provides an opportunity for the amateurs to play with top professionals who also serve as faculty for the daily workshops. This year’s guest artists are Tomasz Golka (violin and conducting), Katie Wolfe (violin), Andrew Rammon (cello), John Owings (piano) and Misha Galaganov (viola).
Three public concerts are scheduled. The faculty recital will be at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 9 in PepsiCo Recital Hall. Admission is $15/$5 for students and seniors, free with TCU ID. Free performances, featuring the amateurs, will be at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 10 in PepsiCo Recital Hall.
For more information, contact Dr. Galaganov at 817-257-6619 or