Education seniors and alumni participate in largest Interview Day yet
Fort Worth, TX
Over 107 school district representatives from 38 North Texas districts came to TCU in March for the College of Education’s annual “Metroplex Interview Day,” making this year the largest turnout in the event’s history. The school district representatives interviewed 100 TCU education students, including 10 alumni members, to potentially hire them for teaching positions in their districts.“This was a very successful event,” said Dale Young, director of College of Education’s Student Teaching and Career Services. “We had more district representatives than students. One hundred percent of the students will get job offers, with an average starting pay of $44,920.”
The Metroplex Interview Day offered the opportunity for students and alumni to interview up to 20 times during the event, with each interview lasting for 28 minutes. A ringing bell indicated the end of the interview, at which time the students/alumni rotated to the next district’s table.
When asked why so many districts participated in the event, Young responded, “The districts think TCU’s education students are very well-informed, the best prepared first-year students and the most well-rounded.”
“The districts also like how well-organized the event is and they appreciate actually getting to interview the students,” said Young.
The students also participated with interview and career workshops through volunteers from Birdville Independent School District. “It’s a great partnership, as the Birdville ISD provides this training opportunity for the students and they get a head start on other districts through the early introduction.”
This was the second career fair this year hosted by the College of Education for graduating seniors and alumni: the previous career fair included 35 districts from around the state and Colorado Springs. The College of Education has been hosting the Interview Day since 1995 and the event has grown every year since.