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Chancellor Victor J. Boschini, Jr. welcomes faculty and staff to new academic year

Fort Worth, TX


Chancellor Victor J. Boschini, Jr. welcomed faculty and staff to the new academic year during a noon luncheon, Friday, August 17. His remarks follow:

“As we begin TCU’s 135th year, it is my privilege to welcome each one of you today.  I would like to extend a special welcome to the faculty and staff members who are new to the TCU and Brite family.  As I will tell our new freshmen at the Assembly on Sunday, you’ve made a tremendous choice!  

Before looking forward to the promise of the new fall semester, I’d like to take a brief look back at what must have been TCU’s busiest summer ever.  In addition to TCU’s regular summer sessions, we welcomed 6,000 participants in 32 academic events, including the Advanced Placement Summer Institute, which drew hundreds of educators from across the nation.  We hosted 6,700 campers and spectators for 17 fine arts events, such as PianoTexas! and the Mimir Chamber Music Festival -- both of which drew rave reviews from music critics.  Then there were the 30,000 campers and spectators attracted to campus by 52 sports activities, from baseball to cheerleading camp. (Finding a “no-cheer” zone was next to impossible this year!)  The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) national assembly met in Fort Worth, and scores of delegates visited the TCU campus.  We even hosted the National Horn Lizard Conservation Society!

With startling frequency, we’re told by our students that they first dreamed of becoming Horned Frogs at one of these summer events.  And having more than 12,000 AP teachers on campus since 1994 must help to some degree to account for the ever-rising SAT scores of our applicants.  This summer’s events -- remarkable for sheer numbers -- were even more remarkable because they were accomplished while such large portions of the campus were hard-hat zones. Even more extraordinary, our physical plant staff, contractors and builders were able to complete their work in such a busy arena.  My thanks to everyone who made this such a productive summer.

As we look forward, we see a university on the move.  We have committed ourselves to creating a world-class, values-centered university experience for our students.  The strides we have made toward that goal in the past year are truly remarkable.

The TCU campus is thriving and growing.  More than $150 million of construction is under way or will be completed in 2007 -- all in addition to the $300 million investment in the campus in recent years.

In the Campus Commons, the Carter and the Samuelson residence halls have just opened and students have moved in -- this in spite of near-record rainfall all summer.  What a tremendous achievement! My thanks to all who made this happen!  The remaining two residence halls -- King Hall and Wright Hall -- are on track to open for the spring semester. The new Brown-Lupton University Union is on target to be completed by next summer.

We know that the greatest universities are residential universities.  One of the most significant directives growing from Vision in Action, our strategic planning effort, is to ensure that our students benefit from the residential experience.  In recent years, fewer than half have had that opportunity.  

Now with two of the four Commons residence halls open, the GrandMarc at capacity, and all sophomores now in campus housing, we draw ever-closer to achieving our goal of two-thirds of TCU undergraduates living on campus.

College of Education faculty and students will begin the semester in the wonderful new Mabee Foundation Education Complex, truly a dream come true after many decades of waiting.  The complex includes a total renovation of the Bailey Building and construction of Palko Hall.

The football team, ranked again in the top 25, is breaking in the new Sam Baugh Indoor Practice Facility, while construction is “finally” under way on the TCU Barnes & Noble Bookstore, scheduled to open in spring.

These new facilities obviously cost many millions of dollars.  Fortunately, The Campaign for TCU is making stellar progress toward the April public phase kickoff.  About $120 million has been committed toward the working campaign goal of $250 million, thanks to a very capable Advancement staff and extremely generous alumni and friends. Forty-seven percent of the goal has been raised with only 30 percent of the campaign time elapsed!  Our thanks also to those of you who cast a vote of confidence in TCU during the once-again record-breaking faculty-staff campaign! You are helping us realize high-priority campaign initiatives, such as scholarships for our students and support for academic programs and faculty.  

TCU has a beautifully landscaped campus -- but it’s so much more.  TCU has top-of-the-line facilities, but this university transcends the physical campus.  TCU benefits from a solid financial foundation, a growing endowment, a successful campaign, but these are the means to an end.

This university is about the people who teach and learn here.   

It’s you -- our faculty and staff -- who are the heart of the TCU experience. The teacher-scholar model and the relationships between our students, faculty and staff are the hallmark of this university.  That’s why I am so pleased to announce that we have added 20 new faculty positions this fall.  In fact, over the last three years, we have added a total of 59 new faculty and instructional positions, improving the already low 14:1 student/faculty ratio.

One constant on a college campus is change.  This year we welcome the new dean of AddRan College, Dr. Andy Schoolmaster. We’re excited that he’s here and look forward to being the beneficiaries of his expertise. Two other deans recently announced their intention to step down from their leadership positions at the conclusion of this academic year:  Dr. Dan Short of the Neeley School of Business and Dr. William Slater of the College of Communication.  Provost Nowell Donovan is overseeing the search and selection process, and a number of faculty and staff members will be involved in this vital process.

Another constant each year is a new and enthusiastic freshman class.  The Class of 2011 underscores our tradition of attracting talented students who can best benefit from a TCU education. Chosen from nearly 12,000 applicants, the class boasts record SAT scores (32 points higher than last year) ... more males (41 percent of the class) ... more students of color (a record 18 percent) ... and more international students.  The admission rate is 49 percent -- besting the previous record of 62 percent.  

One of our most significant responsibilities is instilling in our students a sense of their own responsibilities ... to themselves ... to each other ...  and to our society.  In other words, to educate ethical leaders and responsible citizens in the global community.  Appropriately, the upcoming semester is “rated R.”  That “R” stands for “Rights, Responsibilities and Respect.”  Launched during orientation with a common reading of the Bill of Rights and related materials, this theme semester is designed to encourage dialogue and respect for others.  I’m looking forward to seeing the creative ways in which you all will build upon this theme in the coming months.  Copies of the Common Reading are available on your table for you to take with you and read.

We’re looking forward to two upcoming events that are key to the life of this university. On Sunday, faculty and staff will don academic regalia and applaud our new students at the Chancellor’s Assembly.  This introduction to TCU’s academic life concludes with the candlelight passing of the Torch of Knowledge, setting the tone for the year.   Then on Sept. 11, we will ceremoniously launch the 2007-2008 academic year with the opening Convocation and Founders Day Celebration.  Please participate in this special event and encourage your students and colleagues to attend.  
I am delighted to recognize the finalists for the Chancellor’s Staff Award for Outstanding Service.  This award honors the vital contributions that staff members make to the mission and vision of the TCU community. Individuals from all staff levels in all divisions of the University are eligible. The Chancellor’s Staff Award for Outstanding Service grew from a recommendation of the Staff Assembly.  It stands alongside other major TCU recognitions, including the Chancellor's teaching awards and the Wassenich Award for Mentoring in the TCU Community. A gallery featuring winners of the award is located just outside Wright Boardroom in Sadler Hall.  Last year, Ms. Charlotte Hudspeth, who is executive assistant to the vice chancellor for Finance and Administration, and Mr. Ray Brown, dean of Admission, were co-recipients of the Chancellor’s Staff Award.

As I announce the finalists from each division, I invite them to stand for your collective applause.  This year’s finalists are:

-- From Athletics, Ms. Donna Shepherd, who is administrative assistant for athletic academic services
-- From Brite Divinity School, Ms. Ann Sewell, who is vice president for finance and business.  She is out of town and can’t be with us today;
-- From Finance and Administration, Ms. Tara Perez, who is a member of our groundskeeping staff;
-- From Marketing and Communication, Ms. Margaret Kelly, who is executive director of community projects;  
-- From Academic Affairs, Ms. Mary Kincannon, who is associate registrar;
-- From Student Affairs, Mr. Steve Kintigh  who is director of campus recreation; and
-- From University Advancement, Ms. Nancy Madsen, who is associate director of donor relations.
Please join me in recognizing these seven individuals whose service is definitely above and beyond TCU’s already high expectations.  

Together, these division winners represent 111 years of service to the University.  Since each brings the highest level of expertise and dedication, choosing this year’s recipient of the Chancellor’s Staff Award was challenging to say the least!

She is known as a consummate professional --  a master at getting people to work together.  She is recognized both on campus and outside of TCU for her events and marketing expertise.  From commencements to the dedication of the Schieffer School, our winner can both conceive the big idea and manage the countless details associated with multi-layered activities.

Her job frequently requires she work closely with the city of Fort Worth, outside vendors and a myriad of community endeavors.  In every situation, she represents TCU in the best possible light.
Today’s luncheon, which numbers more than 1,700 people, is a great testament of our winner’s ability to turn a formidable challenge into a delightful success.

 I am so happy to announce that Margaret Kelly, at TCU since 1997, is the winner of this year’s Chancellor’s Staff Award.

Two of our wonderful new facilities are now open for tours.   This is your chance to see the Kellye Wright Samuelson Hall in the Campus Commons.  On your way, please stop by the Sam Baugh Indoor Practice Facility. And I’d like to remind you to renew your football season’s tickets.  You’ll find the details on a handout at your table.

I hope that each and every one of you will accept my thanks for all you do to make Texas Christian University such a great place.  It is my honor to work alongside you every day.  Best wishes for a wonderful year!”


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